EI Engineering Village is a database for applications and engineering sciences. It is currently the most comprehensive bibliographic database in the world. It contains references and abstracts for many papers. These papers are from more than 5,000 engineering journals, conference proceedings, and technical reports. Its scope covers various disciplines in engineering and applied sciences, covering mechanical engineering, civil engineering, environmental engineering, electrical engineering, structural engineering, materials science, solid physics, superconductors, bioengineering, energy, chemical and process engineering, lighting and optics Technology, air and water pollution, solid waste disposal, road traffic, transportation safety, control engineering, engineering management, agricultural engineering and food technology, computer and data processing, electronics and communications, petroleum, aerospace, automotive engineering, sub-disciplines in these areas and other major engineering areas. Users can retrieve literature from 1969 to the present day. The database adds about 600,000 new records for the engineering profession each year. Compendex's data is updated weekly to ensure that users have the latest developments in their area.
Agricultural Science
Computer Science/IT
Environmental Sciences