Gale Scholar - The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources (Full Text)

Source:        Date:December 10, 2019  PV:   [ Font: Large Middle Small ]  

The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources, 1620-1926 contains a virtual goldmine of information for researchers of American legal history -- a fully searchable digital archive of the published records of the American colonies, documents published by state constitutional conventions, state codes, city charters, law dictionaries, digests, and more. The collection brings together in one place many of the important documents that have been lost, destroyed, or previously inaccessible to researchers of American legal history around the world.
The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources, Part II, 1763-1970 supports far-reaching research in legal and social history, from the eighteenth century to the era following World War II. Consisting of US state and territorial codes, municipal codes, and constitutional conventions and compilations, students and scholars of America's common-law heritage will find this resource invaluable for tracing major legal topics across all states and territories.

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