
【试用资源】O'Reilly for Higher Education学术电子书与视频数据库
时间:2022-10-08 16:11:52     点击次数:





O'Reilly for Higher Education学术电子书与视频数据库,别名:Safari books online。该数据库收录了2013以来出版的43,000多种电子图书(至2020年6月);7500多个视频,时长达到3万多个小时。资源类型包括电子书、视频、经典案例、在线教程(Tutorials)、学习路径等。资源数量持续增加。学习路径:来自基于多个主题的内容,包括分析、计算机网络、硬件、数据库、设计、数字媒体、教育等方面;在线教程(Oriole Online Tutorials):Oriole是一种新媒体,将代码,数据,文本和培训视频融合到整个学习体验中。读者可在实际操作中学习,提供互动编码环境,并且可以按照自身安排与进度进行学习。O'Reilly独家出版的汇集了商业与技术领域,源自世界著名创新者与企业负责人的最新专业知识、独家会议资源等:包括前美国白宫数据科学家D.J. Patil、前通用电气公司董事长兼首席执行官Jeff Immelt、哈佛商学院商业管理教授Clayton M. Christensen、对冲基金Two Sigma执行总监Camille Fournier,及美国著名硅谷企业家Eric Ries等。O'Reilly Media公司于2017年底发布了新学习平台,整合了全球200多家世界知名出版社,例如Wiley,Pearson,O'Reilly,Packt Publishing,Infinite Skills,Stone River eLearning等。



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Introduction on “O'Reilly for Higher Education” login.

Click on the O'Reilly login link https://www.oreilly.com/library-access/  and click "Institution Not Listed"

Login with the email, email domain is @bnu.edu.cn then click let’s go , and click “Got it”.

Access to O'Reilly for Higher Education

Important: At this point, you are ready to enjoy the O'Reilly for Higher Education multimodal experience. However, if you are interested, you can activate your account for a more personalized experience. Please continue as follows.

Register and access with email address and password

After signing in with your email for the first time, you will receive an e-mail inviting you to create a personal password. Creating a password is optional, however, it offers two considerable advantages:

You will be able to log in to the O'Reilly application to download books and videos for offline viewing.

Having added a password makes your account more secure.

We recommend that for your daily access to O'Reilly you use the link https://learning.oreilly.com/home/ with your registered email and password.

Note: Your account is registered via email. Please do not use the social networking options on the right.

Another way to access daily would be viahttps://www.oreilly.com/library-access/ . Again select the option: "Institution not listed?" and finally select the option "Already a user?", then login with your registered email and password.

For more information, we recommend that you review LibGuide from O'Reilly for Higher Education. If you require training or consulting on the use of the product, please send your request to training@proquest.com.

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